GSR - Step 5: Submit Your Grant | Springfield College-十大赌博信誉的平台Springfield College Logo

Submission Support

Pre-Award Submission Support

The Office of Grants and Sponsored Research (GSR) will distribute your proposal for review by Springfield College’s Academic, Legal and Finance Leadership 5 days before the submission due date.

  • If there are recommendations, suggestions, or guidance provided by the Academic, Legal and Finance Leadership team after their review, the GSR will help you making those changes to your application prior to submission.
  • If approved, as the signatory for Springfield College, the GSR will submit your grant application before the deadline.
  • If the sponsoring funding agency requires additional information after submission, the GSR will work with you to provide the requested information.
Post- Submission Support

If your grant was accepted, congratulations! Move on to Step 6. If you are not awarded funding, the GSR will assist you with:

  • Accessing grant reviewer scores and comments when available.
  • Arranging, if possible, a debriefing meeting with a program officer from the sponsor agency.
  • Using sponsor feedback to improve your application for resubmission.
  • Identifying other potential funding sponsors and adapting your grant application for submission.